dustin hinz

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I loved making this film.  Shot in Joshua tree over 15 hours by my great team of Will, Lee, and Ryan, the film captures Jake Smith (aka The White Buffalo) in his native habitat. An American troubadour going from town to town with a guitar and a handful of songs.  We were lucky enough to film inside the Integratron and capture Jake's grizzled, yet beautiful performances of a few songs off his album "The Lightest Lights and the Darkest Darks."

The concept of the film was a collaboration between his manager Jeff Varner who had presented the title for the film in advance of any creative, my desire to film a western themed epic that captured the vast oasis that is Joshua Tree and catching the songs inside the Integratron as the sun natural descended and Will's concept to shoot each of the 3 songs in a different style and formate.

We filmed the entire piece leaving the breaks in between the songs for Jake to write the narrative.  He delivered, big time.

Mixed by the incomparable Chad B.

Enjoy. One of my favorites.